Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thoughts are loud. So loud they demand to be heard. But what if those thoughts don't articulate into real words? When you can't even seem to find the right abstract expression? They mass together in your center and you can feel them turning. They are building with each moment they are unspoken and they are prepared to be announced. As you try to speak, a dam holds them back. they can't be let free, because they cannot be understood.


Lynn Guardino said...

Hi Tom

Found your blog just today. Seems we blog for similar reasons and shift our styles as we process life. I love, love, love your poem, "Where it Belongs" and hope you have submitted it somewhere for publication.
My blog, is where I deposit my thoughts on a regular basis.
I find that blogging really helps me to clarify my thoughts, to air them out and give them life outside my head. I agree that writing is fun and I keep promising myself to have more fun with it but then, life gets in the way. Keep on woriting and making people smile.

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Nice and interesting post. Thank you so much for share....